Introduction to Vaccination In India | Vaccination Schedule

In this article we will talk about why vaccination, the benefits of vaccination, vaccination Schedule etc.
Vaccination Introduction  In India

Introduction to Vaccination


• Explain the importance of vaccination and understand the reasons why it is less prevalent.
• Explain the health workers’ responsibilities in the vaccination program.


• Why is vaccination necessary and what are the reasons for its low prevalence?
• Responsibilities of health workers in the vaccination program

Why Vaccination?

Vaccination is one of the most safe and effective methods of preventing vaccine-preventable diseases in childhood. Under the Universal Vaccination Program (UIP), there has been much success in preventing and controlling vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). Further reduction of all types of VPDs and regaining control, elimination of polio and polio need to be given high priority to the vaccination program.
• Complete vaccination (ie by the time a child is one year old, he should receive one dose of BCG, three doses of the pentavalent vaccine, three doses of OPV and one dose of ovary). Money, power and life are saved by taking steps to prevent it before the disease occurs.
• Vaccination is very important for a child’s life. Vaccines significantly reduce their morbidity and mortality by preventing newborns from VPDs. Vaccination can also lower birth rates due to child protection provided to families.

Reasons why vaccination is low

• Vaccination cannot be provided at home premises, sub-centers or health centers as planned.
• Drop out: Children who have taken one or more dose of vaccine do not come to take the next dose.

People who can’t be reached

• Children of parents who are unaware of vaccination or who have socio-economic barriers to receiving these services.
Geographical Factor: Children’s homes are located far away from the health center or outreach center, so it may not be possible for them to complete a full immunization schedule.
• People opposed to vaccines: Parents of children do not believe in vaccination even when the health center is nearby.
• Seizing opportunity: Children who come to the health center for some other reason should not be screened for vaccination by health workers.

Health workers’ responsibilities in universal vaccination.

As health workers you play a very important role in better covering mothers and children under vaccination. You are expected to give vaccine to all children and pregnant women according to the national vaccination schedule. Your exact duties include the following.

Planning for vaccination

• Count all the mothers and children in your area with the help of Anganwadi worker and Asha.
• Prepare a map of the sub-center area, including all villages and beaches.
• Prepare a sub-center macroplan with the help of a female health worker and anganwadi worker.
• Prepare a list of beneficiaries by asking other persons, including Anganwadi worker, information about hope and birth of newborn infants.
• Help Asha, Anganwadi workers, panchayat members and school teachers to motivate families to adopt vaccination, inform families of the time and place of vaccination session and prepare them to attend the session.

Maintain cold chain at vaccination site

• Make sure the vaccines are brought in four conditioned ice packs with the vaccine.
• Make sure the vaccine carrier is kept in the shade and does not open frequently.
• Check Wapal’s expiry date and VVM before using it. General Chat Chat Lounge
• T – Series and Hippie. Make sure the seeds are not frozen.

Implementation of the vaccination session

• Attend a warm-up day with vaccines and necessary medications to use at the session
• Create a suitable vaccination site to reduce the probability of injury.
• Verify child immunization records and age.
• Check if there are any adverse symptoms.
• Which vaccine. Explain what to give and what therapeutics can be.
• Use an autodissable series for each ejection.
• After the recontinuation, write the date and time of the vaccine being reconsolidated.
• Help keep the baby in a good position to administer the vaccine.
• Put the vaccine in the correct manner.
• Explain the common side effects of vaccination to the child caregiver in the family and explain its remedy.
• Tell the beneficiary to stay in the center for half an hour to see if there are any side effects after the vaccine.
• Tell us when to visit again and ask to come along with Mamata card.
• Collect used needles and syringes and dispose of them safely according to the guidelines.

Keep a record of the dropout, report it and find out the dropout cases.

• Keep a list of all the beneficiaries who have been vaccinated in the referenced, list of protected children, telesheets, immunization cards and immunization registers.
• Write the next date of vaccination in the card and inform the guardian.
• Give a copy of the list to the Anganwadi worker and Asha so that they can find the beneficiary.
• Keep a chart of how many people were vaccinated at the sub-center.
• Report to the medical officer all suspected cases of TB, diphtheria, measles, neonatal tetanus, ory, AES and AFP.
• Report all side effects of vaccination
All health workers, including ANM (regular and contractual), Alternative Vaccinator, LHV, HW, (M) HA (M) staffers, pharmacists, cold chain handlers and data handlers, to provide better vaccination services to the community. This article is designed to increase knowledge and skills.
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