Eat This Healthy Foods To Stay Energetic Fulll Day

By the time you reach puberty, many physical and mental changes occur. In the meantime its weight and length develop. They need a proper nutritional diet and positive thoughts to keep their body and mind healthy.
Eat This Healthy Foods To Stay Energetic Fulll Day
Today’s young women have the stress of coming first to the mind, they want to look different from others, they have their own concerns, their family concerns, the concern of the country, the concern of the country and also their own education. All such worries at such a young age will be stretched.
Today’s teenagers are smart, mature but they have a passion for fast food, junk food, and any taste of cold drinks. The reason behind this is that ads about these dirty and unhealthy foods are very well displayed and enticing – wherever they look – on mobile, TV, internet, etc. So teens and teens, know what kind of food you should eat:


Everyone wants to make their body look good and look beautiful. He wants to be physically fit and this is why he needs to eat proper nutrition.
Every child should start eating different vegetables every day since he started eating outdoors in childhood. A boy or a girl should take two and a half to three and a half cups of vegetables. Many dietitians say that half a plate of vegetables, one bowl of dal, one bowl of yogurt and two or four loaves of bread should be eaten. Vegetables should also be eaten on a daily basis, such as carrots, broccoli, spinach, beetroot, parval, tandora, milk, in addition to green and green vegetables of all colors,


Nowadays, canned juices are being found. But it does not have the energy like fresh fruit juice. Also, being preservative in it does more harm than good. Even so, eating fruits is more desirable than fruit juice. In our country there are different fruits depending on the season. Each of these fruits should be eaten regularly. The dietician says that three different colored fruits must be eaten during the day. Bananas, apples, oranges, beans, pears, purple, watermelons, mangoes, grapes of different colors, papaya, all kinds of fruits must be eaten.


Our body needs all kinds of vitamins, calcium, iron. It is said that vegetarians do not have vitamin D deficiency while the vegetarian body has high levels of vitamin D deficiency. If young men want to be physically healthy, want to study and do other activities like sports, dance, music etc. then they should make full use of dairy products. In addition, whole grains, soybeans, wheat, sprouted grains, pulses, dried fruits etc. should be kept so that their stamina is kept intact.

Why a Balanced Diet is Needed

1. Whether young or young, a balanced diet is essential for the development of their body.
2. Cereals contain abundant amounts of vitamin B, iron, magnesium, selenium and fiber. About 250 to 300 grams of cereal should be included in daily meals.
3. Fruits contain vitamin C, vitamin A and fiber, which are vital for the overall development of adolescents.
4. Mixing tomatoes, spinach, milk, carrots, beetroot, broccoli, etc. by brewing soup and giving regular lentils and vegetables will add a new energy to the body of the adolescent.
5. Consuming 170 to 200 grams of protein, iron and high amounts of calcium per day will help the blood circulation in the body as well as keep their hair, skin and nails healthy and healthy.

Diet for stamina

In order to achieve maximum working power, everyone should increase stamina, increase the amount of vegetables to increase stamina, as well as other healthy foods.
• Juice of beetle strengthens the muscles and regular drinking increases stamina.
• Colorful vegetable juice should be taken to increase stamina. This increases the amount of nitrate in the blood and does not cause fatigue despite being overworked.
• A diet containing vitamin C should be taken to increase stamina. Vitamin C is obtained from grapes.
• The brain also has qualities that can increase stamina.
• Milk and milk products should also be taken in large quantities.
• Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, grapes in dried fruits, as well as figs, dates and tops also increase stamina.
• Ragi, soybeans and a few gram flour in wheat flour and make a loaf of bread and then increase the stamina.
If you really embrace the above mentioned foods in your daily life, your stamina will definitely increase. J
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